
Collection of mudik news, found 422 news.

No gifts, no official cars for Lebaran

With regard to fighting corrupt culture that has gripped the life of the society, serious and consistent efforts need ...

Travelers returning to Jakarta after Lebaran begin to decline

Travelers returning from their hometowns after Eid continued to throng ferry ports and train stations in cities in ...

"Mudik" must bring public enlightenment: sociologist - (d)

Returning home en masse for Idul Fitri or Lebaran festive season, traditionally known as "mudik", must be a momentum ...

Muslims in Indonesia poised for Lebaran festivities

With July 17 just a day away, the Muslims across Indonesia are eagerly gearing up for the Idul Fitri or locally known ...

Lebaran holiday travelers continue to throng ferry ports

Thousands of Idul Fitri or Lebaran homebound travelers this year have been seen thronging the ferry ports of Merak in ...

Some 2.5 mln Eid travelers expected to use train

State-owned railway company PT KAI has forecast that about 2.5 million passengers will use train when they go ...

Floods submerge 1.942 hectares of rice fields in Kuantan Singingi, Riau

Floods have inundated rice fields covering a total area of 1,942 hectares and killed a number of cattle in Kuantan ...

Pontianak`s Port sees over 12 thousand travelers

Over 12 thousand Idul Fitri or Lebaran travelers using ships, have been going to and from between West Kalimantan and ...

Govt ready to serve millions of `lebaran` travelers

The government is prepared to provide services for some 24 million people seeking to return to their home towns ...

30 million people expected to travel during Idul-Fitri

Around 30 million people are expected to return to their hometowns to celebrate Idul-Fitri holidays (mudik) at the end ...

"Mudik" tradition in Turkey during festival of sacrifice

Kocaeli, Turkey (ANTARA News)  Tradition of "Mudik" or going back to the hometown does not only happen in ...

Good transport services ensure smooth transfers during Idul Fitri

The Indonesian people`s tradition of celebrating Idul Fitri in their hometowns with their extended families often ...

Idul Fitri exodus sees fewer traffic accidents

The number of traffic accidents across Indonesia has decreased compared with the same time last year, despite the ...

Jokowi to celebrate Idul Fitri in hometown Solo

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his family will also follow the "Mudik Lebaran" tradition by returning to ...

Travelers expect free service to Sumatra

Holiday travelers to Sumatra are expecting a free travel service to the island. Some of them met at Kalideres bus ...