
Collection of mudik news, found 422 news.

Govt ready to serve Eid al-Fitr travelers

The government has prepared and made ready all facilities for travelers wishing to go to their hometowns to celebrate ...

IDI sets up health posts to aid homebound travelers

The Indonesian Doctors` Association (IDI) has set up some five health posts to serve the medical needs of Idul Fitri ...

Bank Negara Indonesia offers free trips for 5,500 homebound travelers

State-owned Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has made available 110 buses to transport some 5,500 travelers seeking to ...

Indsonesian minister observes airport readiness to serve travelers

Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan inspected Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang, Banten, to see its readiness to ...

Idul Fitri - Travelers urged to not use motorcycles

Jakarta Police Deputy Chief Brig. Gen. Sudjarno asked Idul Fitri holiday travelers to not use motorcycles when they ...

1,725 buses ready to take people from Jakarta for Lebaran

Buses have been made ready to take people from Jakarta to various regions in West, Central and East Java in connection ...

Police to field more than 88,000 personnel to secure holiday

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo said he would field more than 88,000 personnel in the operation to assure ...

Jakarta police campaign against traveling by motorbike

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police Command held an event at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout here on Sunday to campaign ...

Cilacap readies alternative roads for holiday travelers

The Cilacap district transportation office is designating several alternative roads for 2013 Lebaran holiday ...

Govt to provide better transportation for Lebaran travelers

The Transportation Ministry has ordered all of its provincial offices (Dishub) to smooth the transportation process of ...

Bina Marga to act firmly against incompetent contractors

The Highway Construction (Bina Marga) and the Water Resource office of the Kuantan Singingi district said it would ...

Flooding inundated 800 houses in Pesisir Selatan

Flooding hit Pesisir Selatan district, West Sumatra, inundating 800 houses following rains on Saturday and Sunday.No ...

Bus operators complain of free "mudik" program

The post-fasting Id-ul Fitr holidays are special days that see millions of people traveling to their hometowns, ...

Indonesian health ministry to set up more than 1,400 posts for travellers

The Ministry of Health has planned to set up 1,468 health-care posts, with at least 65,000 paramedics, for home-bound ...

PAN party to set up 50 traffic regulation posts for Idul Fitri travelers

To facilitate a smooth passage for home-bound Idul Fitri travelers, the National Mandate Party (PAN) plans to set up ...