
Collection of mudik news, found 422 news.

Holiday exodus at Kalideres terminal to peak Saturday

This year`s Lebaran holiday exodus at Kalideres bus terminal in West Jakarta is to reach the highest point on ...

CCTV cameras used to monitor Lebaran exoduses

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been placed at a great number of strategic locations for the security ...

Lebaran holiday exodus expected to peak Saturday

This year`s Lebaran holiday exodus is predicted to reach its highest point on Saturday, or three days before Idul ...

Pawnshop company organizes free `mudik` program

State-owned pawnshop company PT Pegadaian is organizing a free `Mudik` (home-bound trips) program for 1,300 Idul Fitri ...

Minister sees off employees going on home-bound Idul Fitri trip

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro saw off around 700 employees of his office and their families who embarked on a ...

Wali band enlivens departure of 19,000 free `mudik` travelers

The Wali music group appeared on stage with its popular single songs during a function held to see off 19,000 Idul ...

Telkomsel dispatches 5,000 Idul Fitri travelers for free

Some 5,000 Idul Fitri travelers are joining free `mudik` (home-bound trips) program of cellular phone operator PT ...

Travelers at Kupang airport to peak at D-day minus 4

The flow of Idul Fitri travelers at Kupang`s El Tari airport is expected to take place on D-Day minus three or minus ...

Pelni to operate extra ship for reverse Idul Fitri travelers

State-owned shipping company PT Pelni will operate one more of its ships, the KM Labobar, to transport people making ...

CCTV cameras at Bakauheni Port functioning optimally

Some 43 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, installed at Bakauheni ferry port in Lampung function optimally to ...

Idul Fitri travel safety measures: from urine tests to snipers

Various measures have been taken to secure the impending exodus of over 15 million home-bound travelers wanting to ...

Holiday traffic on Pantura highway starting to swell

Private cars and motorcycles carrying holiday makers were on Thursday seen passing through Java Island`s northern ...

Urine tests for home-bound vehicle drivers in Aceh

All drivers of motor vehicles carrying home-bound Idul Fitri or Lebaran travelers in Aceh province will undergo ...

Soekarno-Hatta Airport sets up 8 health care posts

Jakarta`s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport has set up eight health care posts on its premises for the benefit of ...

Police conduct urine tests on bus drivers

Police in Pekalongan, Central Java, conducted urine test on passenger bus drivers at the city`s bus terminal to assure ...