Afriyani Susanti, who hit nine pedestrians to death while driving a car in Central Jakarta in January, was sentenced ...
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa said here on Sunday that the construction of Sunda Strait Bridge (JSS) ...
Police have named five suspects in the murder of a Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR) leader in Jakarta`s southwestern ...
The search and rescue efforts with regard to the Sukhoi Superjet 100 victims` remains and the ill-fated aircraft`s ...
The government must be able to increase the competitive edge of national industry because industry is the pillar of ...
Industries must brace themselves to face subsidized fuel price hikes of about 33 percent next month, despite ...
Around 3,000 people from various Moslem organizations on Thursady staged a demonstration that blocked the Cikarang ...
The government will prepare Rp20 trillion in funds for the development of backward areas in the country`s 183 ...
Gorontalo is preparing itself to host a World Maize Conference (WMC) in 2012 which it sees as a forum that will bring ...
An Australian boy who is being detained here for marijuana possession has admitted he once was a drug addict but had ...
Bali police have denied allegations that the 14-year-old Australian boy, LM, who was arrested for carrying drugs had ...
A helicopter chartered by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara mining company from Air Fast, crashed in West Nusa Tenggara ...
The national industry grew 6.61 percent in the second quarter of 2011, surpassing the national economic growth rate ...
A tugboat Mitra Jaya V and a barge Makmur Abadi V had been hijacked 15-20 miles west of the Muara Jungkat buoy in ...
Central Java police have arrested six members of the Indonesia Islamic State (NII) movement for allegedly conducting ...