
Collection of mulyadi news, found 132 news.

Landslide isolates 600 families in Trenggalek

A landslide isolated around 600 families at Mojo and Salam areas, Nglebo village, Suruh sub district, Trenggalek ...

RI`s many old oil wells can still be made productive

Indonesia`s oil production can be boosted by reactivating the many old but still productive oil wells it has ...

Govt to apply reverse burden of proof on Gayus` case

Vice President Boediono said the government would apply a system of reverse burden of proof to settle the case of tax ...

Ahmadiyah soon banned in Banten`s Lebak district

The Ahmadiyah religious sect in Lebak district, Banten province, would soon be banned following the district ...

Police find mastermind suspect of Cikeusik incident

Police have found the suspect who has masterminded the clashes between residents and Ahmadiyah followers in Cikeusik, ...

Amnesty International asks govt to investigate murders of Ahmadiyah followers

Amnesty International has asked the Indonesian government to investigate the murder of Ahmadiyah members and the ...

Police Name Two Suspects In Ahmadiyah Incident

The police have named two suspects of the clash between Ahmadiyah congregations and local residents in Kampung ...

Govt denounces attack on Ahmadiyah followers

The government denounced on Sunday the attack on followers of the Islamic sect Ahmadiyah in Pandeglang district, ...

Three corpses of Ahmadiyah followers still in hospital

Three corpses of Ahmadiyah followers killed in clashes with local residents on Sunday morning at 10.30 am, were still ...

Bahasyim sentenced to 10 years in jail

Former finance ministry official Bahasyim Assifie was sentenced to 10 years in jail and fined by Rp250 million on ...

RI praises fully enthusiastic referendum in south Sudan

The Indonesian government praised the high spirits of the people of South Sudan in exercising their voting rights in ...

Sultan asks all parties to maintain conducive atmosphere

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X has asked all elements in Yogyakarta`s community to maintain a conducive atmosphere in the ...