
Collection of narcotic news, found 311 news.

Indonesia hopes execution won`t damage relations

Indonesia hopes the recent execution of six drug convicts, including five foreigners, will not damage its cooperation ...

Kontras criticizes Indonesian government over death penalty decision

A non-governmental organization has criticized the government over its decision to execute six narcotic convicts on ...

HK police praise Indonesia for arresting int`l drug dealer

The Hong Kong Anti-Narcotics Police have praised the Indonesian Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) for arresting WCP (40), an ...

Renowned musician "FRM" arrested for heroin possession

The police of South Jakarta Resort Station have taken a senior national-level musician, with the initials FRM, along ...

President Joko Widodo gives directives to local military commanders

President Joko Widodo held a meeting with district and resort military commanders from across the country in Pangkalan ...

BNN confiscates eight tons of dried marijuana

The National Anti-narcotics Agency (BNN) has arrested in Riau Province a truck loaded with eight tons of dried ...

BNN needs 30 more rehabilitation centers for drug addicts

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) needs 30 more rehabilitation centers for narcotic drug addicts as part of efforts ...

Indonesia ulema launches national campaign against narcotic drugs

The Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) launched a national campaign against narcotic drugs at the commemoration of the ...

Fights Against Illicit Drugs Intensified to Save Youths

Indonesia has to intensify fight against illicit drugs in order to save the nations younger generation, who are prone ...

Malaysia to deport two Indonesian police officers: Official

Malaysia will deport two Indonesian police officers recently caught over an alleged involvement in a narcotic ...

Bali police arrest Lithuanian narcotic suspect

The Bali police have arrested 12 narcotic suspects, including a Lithuanian, in the period between July and August, ...

Drug trafficking serious threat at Indonesia-Malaysia border: Local mily chief

Drug trafficking and smuggling activities have become a serious threat on the Indonesia-Malaysia border in North ...

Malaysian citizen arrested for smuggling in meth in Batam

A Malaysian citizen has been arrested for attempting to smuggle in around a kilogram of methamphetamine through Batam ...

Smuggling at RI-PNG border must be stopped

Jakarta (ANTARA News - Stringent measures need to be adopted to stop smuggling activities involving drugs and other ...

Police destroy thousands of ecstasy pills in C. Java

The Drugs and Narcotic Eradication Directorate of Central Java Police has destroyed more than 11 thousand pills of ...