#national disaster management agency

Collection of national disaster management agency news, found 192 news.

Govt anticipating cyclical flooding in Jakarta

Social Affairs Minister Salim Segaf Al Jufri said his ministry was preparing itself to carry out its duties such as ...

news focus: Jakarta bracing for potential major floods

Jakarta is bracing for the possibility of floods happening in early 2012 on the same scale as the 2002 and 2007 ...

New seismograph installed on mount Lewotobi

A seismograph near the top of Mount Lewotobi was damaged in a recent forest fire but has now been replaced, a local ...

Mt Lokon`s danger zone still radius of 2.5 kilometers

North Sulawesi`s Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has announced that the danger zone around Mount Lokon still ...

Mt Lokon eruptions force schools to suspend classes

Mount Lokon eruptions have forced three elementary schools at Kinilow, Kinilow 1 and Kakaskasen 1, Tomohon, North ...

Mt Lokon erupts twice on Monday

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi erupted twice on Monday, ...

News Focus: Mt Lokon eruption forces mass evacuation

A major eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, on Thursday evening (July 14) has struck local villagers ...

Tomohon residents need masks following Mt Lokon eruption

Residents of Tomohon and part of Minahasa District badly need masks to protect them from volcanic ash from the Mount ...

Number of Mt Lokon refugees increases to 4,446

The number of refugees from the eruption of Mount Lokon increased to 4,446 on Friday, following a major eruption on ...

Number of Mt Lokon refugees reaches 2,116

The number of people taking refuge due to the eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, has reached 2,116 , an official ...

Minister to inspect erupting Mount Lokon

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono plans to visit North Sulawesi Province to take a look at the ...

Disaster management agency raises Mount Lokon`s status

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has raised the status of Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi from standby to ...

Some 16 people join tsunami preparedness training in Bogor

As many as 16 people joined a tsunami preparedness training program from June 21 through 25, 2011 held by the ...

Community gives President Yudhoyono UN award

Community leaders and their knowledge on reducing risk of natural disasters in Indonesia have given President Susilo ...

Borobudur temple conservation hangs in balance following volcanic ashes

Conservation experts are racing against time to preserve the Borobudur World Heritage Site which was severely damaged ...