#national police chief

Collection of national police chief news, found 1.504 news.

Police ready to secure election court session

The police assured here on Tuesday that they have made the necessary arrangements to secure the first session of an ...

Police to investigate persons reportedly involved in ISIS network

Police reported here on Tuesday that they have been conducting an investigation on persons allegedly involved in the ...

Police prepare 22 thousand personnel to secure MK

The police force have prepared 22,000 personnel to ensure security and maintain law and order in and around the ...

President Yudhoyono deplores online news reporting of Wikileaks report

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed regret over the publication by an online news site of a WikiLeaks ...

Indonesia`s DVI team helps identify MH17 victims

The six-member Indonesian Polices DVI team arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday to help identify the victims of the ...

People urged not to be provoked to violate laws

Indonesias chief security minister Djoko Suyanto had called on the people here on Tuesday afternoon to not to be ...

Bus drivers undergo urine test

Bus drivers at Kampung Rabutan Terminal, East Jakarta, underwent a urine test on Monday to determine whether they were ...

Indonesian DVI team to help Malaysia: police chief

The National Polices Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team members will work in tandem with the Indonesian Foreign ...

Police make progress in probe over JIS sexual assault case

The Jakarta Police decision to finally detain two staffers of the Jakarta International School (JIS) in connection ...

VP Boediono warns of larger risk of forest fires

Indonesian vice president Boediono has warned of a larger risk of forest fires in the country due to a possible ...

Indonesia Gears Up For Presidential Election

The General Election Commission (KPU) has started the process of the implementation of the July 9 presidential ...

Child protection crucial for Indonesia`s future

The revelation of a sexual assault of a five-year-old boy at the Jakarta International School (JIS) was like "opening ...

Police warn of power vacuum if presidential inauguration delayed

National Police Chief General Sutarman has said that a power vacuum could result in case the inauguration of new ...

President calls for movement on preventing crime against children

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for a joint movement from the government, stakeholders, and people at ...

President chairs limited cabinet meeting on child protection

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono here on Thursday chaired a limited cabinet meeting to discuss efforts to intensify ...