#natural disaster

Collection of natural disaster news, found 828 news.

Wave breaker of Bengkulu port collapses

Newly built wave breaker of Bengkulu port facing the Indian Ocean has collapsed hit by big waves and strong winds. ...

Floods inundate 2,231 hectares of paddy field in Banten

About 2,231 hectares of paddy field in Lebak district, Banten, are inundated by floods following heavy rain that hit ...

Krakatau Steel extends aid to lebak flood victims

State steel maker PT Krakatau Steel has extended relief aid to victims of floods and landslides in Lebak district, ...

Landslide kills one in Bal

Heavy rain followed by a landslide that happened in Buleleng district, Bali, last Saturday night killed a local ...

Magnitude-5.4 quake jolts Central Maluku

An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit Central Maluku at 2.30 local time on Sunday morning but it caused ...

KRI Makassar ships 2,000 tons of rice to Mindanao

Indonesian warship KRI Makassar-590 has left for Mindanao, the Philippines with 2,000 tons of rice for the victims of ...

Jakarta-Merak toll road reopened

The Jakarta-Merak toll road at the Km 57-59 was reopened for traffic on Friday after it has been closed since ...

Jakarta-Merak toll road inundated at height of up to one meter

Flood has inundated the Jakarta-Merak toll road at a height of up to one meter following the overflowing of Ciujung ...

Floods hit nine sub-districts in Banten province

Floods hit nine sub-districts in Lebak district, Banten province, on Wednesday as a number of rivers overflowed ...

Rain triggered landslide kills two people in Sukabumi

Two people were reported killed in a rain-triggered landslide in the village of Nyelempek, in the regency of ...

Indonesia to send rice to victims of typhoon Bopha Friday

Indonesian government will send 2,000 tons of rice to the victims of Typhoon Bopha in Davao, Mindanao, the Philippine ...

5.6-magnitude quake hits Gorontalo

A 5.6-magnitude undersea earthquake rocked the city of Gorontalo, the capital of the Gorontalo province in northern ...

Indonesia delivers aid to victims of typhoon bopha

The Indonesian Minister for People`s Welfare, Agung Laksono, arrived in the Philippine southern island of Mindanao on ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

730 natural disasters hit Indonesia this year

Some 730 natural disasters have hit Indonesia so far this year, according to Chairman of National Disaster Mitigation ...