#natural disaster

Collection of natural disaster news, found 828 news.

RI-US Strenghten The Cooperation of Marine Economic

Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo, today (April 19) in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and ...

round-up: huge quake again hits Aceh, no report of death

Only a couple of days after the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) or Aceh province held simultaneous regional head ...

No reports of deaths in Simeulue so far: Official

There have been no reports of damage or deaths following the 8,9 magnitude quake in Simeulue, Aceh, at around 3.38pm ...

Landslide destroys power lines in central Fiji

The Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) said on Monday that the country`s power lines has been destroyed by landslides ...

Scores of houses in Buol damaged by strong winds

Scores of houses in Buol regency, Central Sulawesi, had been heavily and lightly damaged by strong winds on Monday. ...

RI important to disaster management efforts in region

Indonesia plays an important role in disaster management affairs in Southeast Asia, visiting UN ...

Indonesia to send up to 10,000 for UN peacekeeping mission

Indonesia intends to send up to 10 thousand personnel to join UN peacekeeping missions, becoming one of the 10 largest ...

Pamekasan natural disaster victims reach 1,050 families

Some 1,050 families had become victim of natural disasters in Pamekaswan as of January 2012, head of the Pamekasan ...

Whirlwind causes damage to 53 houses in Garut

Some 53 houses had been damaged by a whirlwind Tarogong village, Tarogong Kidul sub-district, Garut regency, West ...

Minister dedicates Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School

Social Affairs Minister Salim Segaf Al Jufri here on Saturday dedicated Sulaimaniyah Islamic boarding school under the ...

President chairs meeting on peacekeeping force training center

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Thursday chaired a limited cabinet meeting to discuss progress in the ...

Flash flood sweeps through five sub-districts in E Java

A flash flood swept through five sub-districts in Probolinggo district, East Java, on Sunday morning, destroying ...

Bojonegoro floods inflict Rp10.3 bln in losses

Floods that swept through Bojonegoro district, East Java, due to the overflowing of Bengawan Solo river over the past ...

Rescuers find two dead victims of Sunken speedboat

The rescue team found on Sunday morning two dead victims of the ill-fated speedboat `Inarissa` which sank in Maluku ...

Quake jolts Sijunjung , W. Sumatra

An earthquake measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale rocked Sijunjung district in West Sumatra province on Saturday, a ...