#natural resource conservation

Collection of natural resource conservation news, found 69 news.

90 percent of orangutans live outside preserved forests: BKSDA

Some 90 percent of the orangutan population are living outside preserved forests and are exposed to conflicts with ...

Ministry to clarify plan to close Komodo National Park

The Forestry and Environment Ministry will summon the East Nusa Tenggara administration to discuss its plan to close ...

Sumatran tiger trapped in riau market

The authority in Riau Province could not yet evacuate a Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris) stuck in a market in Pulau ...

News focus - Bali zoo enlivens independence day anniversary

Recognized by the Indonesian government as the best conservation institution in the country, the Bali Zoo, on the ...

Bosf to release 10 orangutans to Bukit Baka national park

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) of Nyaru Menteng will release 10 orangutans to Bukit Baka Bukit Raya ...

Leopard trespasses local resident`s house in Sukabumi

A leopard (Panthera pardus) entered into a local resident`s house in Perbawati Village, Sukabumi District, West Java ...

Rafflesia tuan-mudae blooms in Maninjau forest

Rafflesia tuan-mudae is in bloom in Maninjau Nature Reserve in Marambuang, Agam District, West Sumatra ...

Bali Zoo hosts sumatran tigers

The Bali Zoo on the Indonesian island resort of Bali is currently hosting two sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris ...

Two elephants die of electrocution in Sumatra

Two Sumatran elephants were found dead due to suspected electrocution in East Aceh District of Sumatras Province of ...

Military forces secure Tesso Nilo National Park

Joint army personnel from the 04/Pangkalan Kuras district military command in Pelalawan, Sumatras province of Riau, ...

EARTH WIRE -- Conservation agency estimates only 17 Sumatran tigers left in Bengkulu forest

The Natural Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of Bengkulu Province has estimated that only 17 Sumatran tigers ...

EARTH WIRE -- Four Sumatran elephants died in Riau in 2016: WWF

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has said that four Sumatran elephants died in 2016 in Riau Province, a decline ...

Sun bear rescued from boar snare in West Sumatra

A sun bear was rescued on Tuesday after being trapped in a wild boar snare in a plantation in Batuang Balirik, Pasaman ...

EARTH WIRE -- Two orangutans released into the wild in W. Kalimantan

Two orangutans have been returned to their natural habitat in Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park, West Kalimantan ...

Crocodiles roam about at beaches, disrupt Kupang`s tourism

Weather phenomenon El Nino is believed to have driven some crocodiles to leave the drying estuaries and lurching to ...