#net zero emission

Collection of net zero emission news, found 203 news.

Energy transition important to avoid impact of climate change:KADIN

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Arsjad Rasjid underscored the importance of ...

NZE does not mean all vehicles will be electric: Ministry

Indonesia's target of achieving net-zero emissions (NZE) in 2060 does not mean that all vehicles will be electric ...

B20 asks South Korean businesses to support net-zero programs

Business20 (B20) Indonesia has invited South Korean business players to support and join B20's legacy programs for ...

2nd ETWG session stresses energy access, partnership, affordability

The 2nd Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) meeting under Indonesia’s G20 presidency in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa ...

B20 task force highlights recommendations to support net zero-carbon

The B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, led by state-owned oil giant Pertamina Group, put forth three ...

RI supports strategy in reducing coal-derived carbon gas emissions

Indonesia supports global strategic efforts in reducing carbon gas emissions in the coal sub-sector through the use of ...

Energy Minister visits Norway, Iceland to seek investment

ÀEnergy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif visited Norway and Iceland from June 13 to 16, 2022, to ...

Indonesia needs clear policies on nuclear energy development: BRIN

Indonesia’s nuclear energy development plans will need to be supported with the drafting of policies and clear ...

Adopting renewable energy for future of Indonesia's economic growth

Many countries in the world are now competing to apply new and renewable energy (EBT) for their sustainable economic ...

TransJakarta cooperates with British company to provide electric buses

Region-owned transportation enterprises (BUMD) PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) inked a memorandum of ...

TransJakarta explores green bond issuance on London Stock Exchange

Region-owned enterprise (BUMD) PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) is considering to issue green bonds on the London ...

Chevron and Pertamina announce partnership on lower carbon opportunities

Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX), through its subsidiary Chevron New Ventures Pte. Ltd. (Chevron), and Indonesia’s PT ...

Maintain awareness of climate change impacts to secure GDP: Minister

Awareness of the negative impacts of climate change should be maintained to achieve the target of the Paris Agreement ...

G20 Presidency opportunity to expedite nation's energy transition

Indonesia's G20 Presidency can be an opportunity to encourage the formulation of public policies that can ...

G20 Indonesia

Ministry lists three priority issues in energy transition

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry listed access, technology, and funding for energy transition as priority ...