
Collection of netherlands news, found 1.471 news.

Govt tightens surveillance of travelers from nations with COVID spike

At least 19 countries where most overseas travelers (PPLNs) visiting Indonesia come from are currently experiencing a ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: 2nd HMM to discuss five health sector-related focus areas

The 2nd Health Ministerial Meeting (HMM), which is the last meeting on the health sector during Indonesia's 2022 ...

37th TEI records transactions of US$2,94 billion

The 37th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI)  recorded transactions of US$2,94 billion until the closing of the offline ...

G20 Indonesia

2nd HMM to finalize global health architecture agreement: ministry

The 2nd Health Ministers’ Meeting (2nd HMM) will finalize all agreements related to the idea of a global health ...

New passport design has signature column again: Immigration

Effective since October 2022, the Indonesian passport has a signature column again, the Law and Human Rights ...

WCCJ spotlights role of constitutional justices in global peace

The 5th Congress of World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) on Wednesday highlighted the role of ...

Monkeypox vaccine procurement to depend on infection trend: Bio Farma

The procurement of monkeypox vaccines will depend on the trend of infections in the country, President Director of ...

Rice production pulled Indonesia out of food crisis: official

 As Indonesia is a major rice-producing country, it has recovered quickly from the food crisis compared to other ...

Health transformation focused on preventing severe disease: ministry

The transformation of the health system is focused on preventing the severity of diseases that many people suffer from, ...

Painting maestro Basoeki Abdullah still inspiring young artists

The late Indonesian painting maestro, Basoeki Abdullah, will remain a continuous source of inspiration for young ...

TWG discusses community, MSME strengthening for tourism transformation

The second meeting of the G20 Tourism Working Group (TWG) in Bali discussed issues related to the strengthening of ...

Election digitalization toward a democratic election

The use of technology in the general election is not an illusion, with the process, called general election ...

Indonesia-Netherlands partnership enhances East Kalimantan's potential

Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga believes that the partnership between Indonesia and the Netherlands can ...

Industry Ministry promotes exports of natural products to Europe

The Industry Ministry pushed for the exports of natural products, such as seaweed extract, essential oils, and plant ...

Indonesia, Netherlands discuss importance of restorative justice

Correctional Directorate General at the Law and Human Rights Ministry along with the Reclassering Nederland discussed ...