#non smokers

Collection of non smokers news, found 14 news.

APVI to ensure adult-only alternative tobacco product sales

The Indonesian Vapor Entrepreneurs Association (APVI) has said that it will ensure alternative tobacco products are ...

Pontianak City intensifying campaign on smoking-free areas

The Pontianak City Government, West Kalimantan, made the most of the commemoration of National Health Day by revving up ...

Vaping carries lung cancer risk: YKI

The risk of lung cancer from vapes or e-cigarettes is believed to be the same as that from cigarettes, according to the ...

Ministry to launch non-smoking area (KTR) dashboard soon

The Health Ministry will soon launch a non-smoking area (KTR) dashboard and application in a number of pilot areas as ...

Smoking lowers immunity, raises risk of exposure to COVID-19: Experts

Smoking could lower immunity and increase the risk of being exposed to COVID-19, with more acute symptoms experienced ...

News Focus

BNPB spokesman's death puts spotlight on non-smokers' vulnerability

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, 49, popularly called "Pak Topo," ...

Smoke-free environment is a must to protect society: YLKI

No-smoking areas are absolutely necessary as the lack of these can expose both smokers and nonsmokers alike to the ...

West Sumatra serious to overcome cigarette hazards

The West Sumatra Provincial Government is serious about protecting its people from the dangers of cigarettes by ...

Haze -- The Constant Struggle with Invisible Pollution

- During the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a self-financed ...

Researchers find why smoking riskier for men than women

Men who smoke are over three times more likely than nonsmokers to lose their Y chromosomes, according to researchers ...

Health Ministry launches anti-smoking video campaign

The Health Ministry here on Friday launched a video campaign against smoking bearing the tagline "Quit smoking before ...

Smoking bans cut premature births and child asthma attacks

Banning smoking in public places has helped to cut premature births by 10 percent, according to new research from the ...

Menthol smokers have more strokes: study

Among smokers, people who prefer mentholated cigarettes tend to have more strokes than non-menthol smokers - and this ...

Strict regulations required to reduce number of smokers

Strict regulations and their consistent enforcement are required in Indonesia to reduce the number of smokers and ...