
Collection of normalization news, found 263 news.

Bukit Duri eviction cannot be postponed: Ahok

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has said the scheduled evictions in the Bukit Duri area, South Jakarta, ...

Consumers` perception of economy improves: Indonesia Central Bank

Bank Indonesia said the consumers perception of the countrys economy is improving pointing to 3.1 point increase in ...

Jakarta bomb threat not affecting stock market

Last weeks Jakarta bomb threat did not affect investors on the Indonesian stock market, as the Jakarta Composite Index ...

Jakarta to build multi-storey housing complexes

The Jakarta provincial government has formulated plans to build 22,000 units of multi-storey housing complexes at 31 ...

Japan to solve land subsidence issue in Jakarta

Japan will help Jakarta in dealing with land subsidence that has been reaching 18 centimeters per year, and is ...

RI`s economic growth still better than other countries`: World Bank

The World Bank has stated that Indonesia still has better economic growth than other commodity exporting countries. ...

Indonesia will not feel major impacts of Greek economic crisis

- The economic crisis in Greece, which is now in a state of default after failing to pay debts worth 1.6 billion Euros ...

Indonesia-China, from Soekarno to Jjokowi

Today, 65 years ago, Indonesia and China officially opened diplomatic relations. Relations established by ...

Seven Islamic websites raise protest over blocking

Seven Islamic websites lodged a protest and complaint over the blocking of their content by the Indonesian Ministry of ...

'Kyunghyang Housing Fair 2015'

- ‘Kyunghyang Housing Fair 2015’ one of the largest and renowned construction exhibitions in Korea will be ...

Indonesia should be aware of two global challenges

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo said that Indonesia should be aware of two global challenges that could ...

Govt optimistic about achieving 7 percent economic growth in 2017

Finance Minister Bambang Brodojonegoro is optimistic that the government can achieve 7 percent economic growth in 2017 ...

Finance minister optimistic 5.8 percent growth achievable

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the country can achieve the 5.8 percent growth target set in the 2015 ...

Jakarta claims to be better prepared to tackle floods

Jakarta is notorious for its traffic jams and floods during the rainy season, which usually begins late in the year ...

Current account deficit expected to improve in Q4

Bank Indonesia has stated the current account deficit will improve in the fourth quarter of 2014 as the countrys ...