#north jakarta

Collection of north jakarta news, found 989 news.

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Indonesian police uncover Jakarta-Palembang drug ring

The Indonesian police have uncovered a Jakarta-Palembang drug ring and confiscated 50 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

Police question seven witnesses in fire at North Jakarta Port

Police have questioned seven witnesses in the "We have questioned seven witnesses," Chief of the Jakarta ...

Closure of Komodo Island feared to shake tourism industry

As a controversy drags on about a plan of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) governor to close Komodo Island for a year, ...

VP Kalla holds meeting on greater Jakarta transportation system

Vice President Jusuf Kalla led a meeting on Monday to discuss the integrated transportation system in Greater Jakarta ...

Rice stock adequate: President Jokowi

The stock of rice is adequate, and the market operation has been effective, according to President Joko Widodo ...

Governor Baswedan observes some churches in Jakarta

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan, along with the regional coordination forum or Forkopimda, the Jakarta Provincial ...

Chinese company invests US$1 billion in Tanjung Lesung

A Chinese company has committed to investing US$1 billion in the tourism sector in Tanjung Lesung, Banten ...

Jakarta aims to attract 2.8 million tourists this year

The Jakarta provincial administration has set a target of 2.8 million tourist arrivals for this year. The target is ...

Jokowi calls on volunteers to conduct door-to-door campaigning

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as the incumbent candidate for the presidential election, called on volunteers here on ...

Tackling plastic waste menace in Indonesia

Indonesia finds itself facing a grim reality, with the recent death of a sperm whale after ingesting almost six ...

Indonesia to impose cleaning levy on local, foreign tourists

The Indonesian government has planned to impose a cleaning levy on domestic and foreign tourists visiting several main ...

Tidal flood hits Jakarta

A tidal flood hit two areas in Penjaringan sub-district, North Jakarta, on Monday. The tidal flood began at 11.08 ...

Second turbine of crashed Lion Air plane arrives at JICT

The second turbine, as part of the debris of the downed Lion Air JT 610 plane, arrived at the Jakarta International ...

Four other Lion Air crash victims` bodies handed to families

The Raden Said Sukanto National Police Hospital`s Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team members handed over four ...