#not delayed

Collection of not delayed news, found 711 news.

Indonesian Telkom-3 satellite lost in space: Telkom

The Telkom-3 satellite owned by Indonesian telecommunication services company Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) has ...

Indonesia govt sends back 103 containers containing toxic materials

Some 103 containers bearing scrap identified as a hazardous toxic material (B3) have been sent back to their country ...

Delay feared in operation of new power plant in Kupang

State electric company PLN`s plan to operate a new power plant in Kupang this year is feared to be delayed on dispute ...

Severe typhoon hits Hong Kong and South China

Hong Kong raised its highest tropical cyclone warning on Tuesday as an intensifying severe typhoon edged closer ...

House approves higher education draft law

The House of Representatives (DPR) has approved the Draft Law on Higher Education into Law following two years of ...

Transportation firm operates 26 ships to serve Merak-Bakauheni ports

Inland Waterway Transportation Service PT ASDP said it was operating 26 ferry ships to overcome traffic jams at the ...

Iraq vp death squad trial delayed on defence appeals

The trial of Iraq`s fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, accused of running death squads, was postponed on Sunday ...

Iraq pm must go for reforms to happen: Sadr

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki needs to be removed for reforms to take place, powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada ...

Oil lifting to be the lowest in 2013

Minister of energy and mineral resources Jero Wacik said oil lifting would be the lowest in 2013, but it would rise ...

Big applause at Yogyakarta state palace

Never before has the electric car been discussed so seriously as it was last Friday (May 25) afternoon at a meeting in ...

E-ID project seems to be running smoothly

In the beginning, the implementation of the electronic identity (e-ID) cards, locally known as e-KTP, got delayed due ...

New regulation expected to pave way for infrastructure development

Problems in acquiring land for infrastructure projects have so far been regarded as the main stumbling block that has ...

Russia to take part in Sukhoi Superjet 100 tragedy investigation

Russia is ready to cooperate with Indonesia in investigating the cause of Sukhoi Superjet (SSJ) 100 plane crash at ...

Evacuation of Sukhoi crash victims delayed

The evacuation of the Sukhoi plane crash victims has been delayed due to bad weather conditions in the Mount Salak ...

PLTU Waai starts operating mid-2013

The coal-fired power plant (PLTU) in Waai village, Salahutu subdistrict, Central Maluku is scheduled to start ...