#not delayed

Collection of not delayed news, found 711 news.

Transportation Safety Committee needs 267 investigators

The Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) needs a total of 267 investigators to cover cases of ...

INKA`s sales fall short of target

State-owned railway industrial company PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) said its sales fall short of target this year on ...

KNKT investigates 256 traffic accidents

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has investigated as many as 256 cases related to traffic accidents ...

PT Rekadana to build power plant in Timika

PT Rekadaya has been awarded by state electricity company PLN the contract to build a small steam powered electric ...

Ban hails outcome of un climate conference

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon welcomed the outcome of the UN climate conference in Doha, capital of Qatar, and ...

Flights, trains to Brussels disrupted due to snow

Heavy snowfall in Belgium forced the cancellation of flights at Brussels` international airport and delays to train ...

No subsidy for public transport: Finance minister

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said the government has no budget for subsidy on public transport. "There is ...

PLN Batam puts off IPO plan

PT PLN Batam, a subsidiary of the state electricity company PT PLN decided to put off its plan to launch initial ...

Artificial rains being considered to put out forest fires

Forest fires have hit several provinces in Indonesia over the past few months and produced haze that has had an effect ...

TNI continues strengthening its weapon system

The Indonesian military (TNI) continues strengthening its weapon system to meet a minimum essential force by among ...

Trans Sumatra Toll Road to cost Rp300 trillion

Construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road extending between the northern and southern tips of the island is ...

Over 17,000 Indonesian hajj pilgrims arrive in Saudi Arabia

A total of 17,051 Indonesian hajj pilgrims have arrived in Saudi Arabia since the first batch arrived at King Abdul ...

Indonesian shares down on Monday`s opening

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) opened trade this morning with share prices down on negative global sentiment and ...

Telkom seeking new partner to launch replacement satellite

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk said it is seeking new partner to launch a new satellite to replace Telkom-3 lost in ...

Flights from Timika Ewer suspended blocked by local people

Flights to the airport of Ewer in the regency of Asmat have been suspended for the past two weeks as the airport was ...