After focusing on massive development of the country`s infrastructure over the past four years, President Joko Widodo ...
The government has set a development priority to improve human resources in the coming five years, a senior minister ...
Recovery programs should cover the three critical areas of shelter, food, and sources of income, as thousands of quake ...
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched a recovery program to help over 70 thousand ...
Flooding caused by recent storms in Laos has killed at least 46 people while 97 others are missing and four people ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged the people to consume local foods as the main nutritional intake to prevent ...
Food security in Indonesia has actually grown strongly, but it is feared to hunt the country with a possible ...
Asmat, a district in the Indonesian province of Papua, has caught local and foreign media attention over the past few ...
Following all out efforts involving several ministries, police and military, among others, measles outbreak and ...
Papua police chief Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar stated that the number of malnutrition victims in Asmat district ...
This World Food Day CropLife Asia commended the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for its ...
Indonesias Public Works and Housing Ministry has planned to install a 50-kilometer clean water pipeline from Sei Gong ...
The Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa is targeting that as many as 3 million families will get non-cash ...
Health Minister Nila Djuwita Anfasa Moeloek has called on the public to learn preventive measures against the impacts ...
The prolonged drought induced by the El Nino phenomenon, has resulted in a water crisis and harvest failure in some ...