#oil quota

Collection of oil quota news, found 27 news.

Students in Papua's Jayawijaya district protest fuel price hike

Students of 12 campuses in Jayawijaya district, Papua province, staged a rally outside the Jayawijaya Legislative ...

SOEs Minister urges Indonesians to reduce reliance on fuel oil

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Erick Thohir during an interview here on Wednesday, urged ...

Bulk cooking oil program right on target: Trade minister

Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi reviewed the implementation of the distribution system of closed loop for the ...

Gov't begins to distribute bulk cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter

The government has begun to distribute bulk cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter through a pilot project that targets 5 ...

S Sumatra raises monthly bulk cooking oil quota to 14,600 tons

The South Sumatra provincial government has announced that the quota for bulk cooking oil in the province has been ...

BPH Migas assures of energy availability ahead of Eid

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) has assured of the availability of domestic energy in the form ...

Price disparity triggers subsidized diesel fuel scarcity: Minister

The wide price disparity between subsidized and non-subsidized diesel fuels triggered the scarcity in subsidized diesel ...

BPH Migas raises subsidized fuel oil quota

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Board (BPH Migas) has set the quota of subsidized fuel oil for 2020 at 15.87 ...

Govt unlikely to raise quota of subsidized fuel

The government is unlikely to raise the subsidized fuel quota of 46 million kiloliters in the revised 2014 state ...

DPR passes national budget for 2014

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) passed the national budget for 2014 at a plenary session here on ...

Police foil attempt to hoard 5.2 tonnes of subsidized fuel

Sukabumi police foiled an attempt to hoard 5.2 tons of subsidized fuel oil in Purabaya Subdistrict, Sukabumi District, ...

House approves fuel oil quota at 48 million kiloliters

The House of Representatives (DPR) has approved the government`s proposal to set subsidized fuel oil quota at 48 ...

Indonesian govt anticipates subsidized fuel hoarding ahead of price hike

The government is anticipating the possibility of certain quarters hoarding subsidized gasoline and diesel oil ahead ...

N. Sulawesi asks police to tighten diesel oil distribution

North Sulawesi Governor Sinyo Harry Sarundajang has asked the state oil company PT Pertamina and the Police to tighten ...

Government to keep subsidized fuel quota unchanged

The government will try to not change the subsidized fuel oil quota this year in an effort to promote its ...