#online gambling kingpin

Collection of online gambling kingpin news, found 4 news.

Revealing gambling kingpin for the sake of migrant workers: BP2MI

Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) chief, Benny Rhamdani, affirmed that his decision to reveal the ...

Former Minister Mahfud MD won't comment on gambling kingpin "T"

Former top security minister in President Joko Widodo's administration, Mahfud MD, insisted that he has no ...

Indonesian Ulema Council urged to help combat drug abuse, gambling

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to continue to protect Muslims in the country ...

Police to summon BP2MI head over online gambling kingpin's identity

The Indonesian Police announced its plan to summon Benny Rhamdani, the chief of the Indonesian Migrant Workers ...