#palm plantation

Collection of palm plantation news, found 190 news.

Paramitra conserves eight tropical pitcher plants in W Kalimantan

PT Paramitra Internusa Pratama, a subsidiary of the oil palm plantation Sinar Mas Group, has been conserving at least ...

Oil palm plantations increase Kapuas Hulu people`s income

The oil palm plantation intensification program in West Kalimantan district of Kapuas Hulu especially in Semitau ...

Sinar Mas builds clean water infrastructure in Kapuas Hulu

PT Paramitra Internusa Pratama, a subsidiary of oil palm plantation company Sinar Mas Group, has constructed a clean ...

Teachers in W Kalimantan get houses from Sinar Mas

Oil palm plantation company Sinar Mas Group has constructed two official residences for primary school teachers in ...

Oil palm plantations not reducing Lake Sentarum fishermen`s income

The Kapuas Hulu district head in West Kalimantan has denied that the oil palm extensification program had a bad effect ...

Wild elephants destroy plantations in Bengkalis

About six wild elephants had trampled and at the same time destroyed at least six hectares of oil palm plantations and ...

Indonesia`s 2010 Exports Value Reaches Record High

Indonesia`s exports in 2010 reached a total value of US$150 billion, the highest figure ever achieved in the ...

Bengkulu needs six CPO processing factories

Bengkulu province needs six new processing factories for crude palm oil to meet demand for the refining of palm ...

Wild elephants in Bengkulu remain in Danger

Bengkulu province in Sumatra island still had about 100 - 165 elephants but the population of those animals was ...

Govt to increase CPO exports by 16 percent

The government intends to increase crude palm oil (CPO) exports in 2011 by 16 percent from the previous year`s figure, ...