
Collection of pamekasan news, found 103 news.

Madura`s ulemas support incumbent Jokowi

Several ulemas, or Islamic scholars, from Madura Island, East Java Province, have voiced their support to presidential ...

Seven fishermen reported missing off Madura

Seven fishermen as crewmen of the KM Cahaya Bahari Jaya from Probolinggo, East Java, were reported still missing and ...

Technology improves salt production: Minister

Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohammad Nasir, has stated that the use of technology in ...

Do not misuse village funds: Minister

Minister for Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Eko Putro Sandjojo urged village heads ...

East Java Madura Island wants to become province

District Head of Sumenep A Busyo Karim said he had no objection to plan to split the district into two with the ...

madura ulemas write to president over ahok`s alleged blasphemy case - (d)

Leaders of Islamic boarding schools have written to President Joko Widodo, urging that the due process of law should ...

24 pairs of cow compete for President Cup 2015 - (d)

Twenty-four pairs of cow coming from four districts on the island of Madura, East Java, took part in the cow race ...

Indonesian government to revise regulation on salt imports

The Indonesian government plans to revise its regulation on salt imports in order to increase domestic purchases of ...

Farmers urge govt to stop salt imports

Salt farmers grouped in the Pamekasan Salt Commission have urged the government to stop salt imports into the country ...

Madura is set to become Indonesia`s largest sugar-producing area

Known for a long time as a salt-producing area in Indonesia, the island of Madura in East Java province is now set to ...

State firm minister begins Ramadhan Safari

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan held dialogs with Madura ulemas and social figures on Saturday as part of his ...

Flood hits two sub-districts on Madura island

A flood triggered by heavy rains affected two sub-districts on Madura Island, East Java, on Tuesday, with a water ...

RI pulling out child workers, sending them to school

The Indonesian government is launching an intensive program to withdraw child workers from their workplaces and send ...

Indonesia to be free of child laborers in 2020: Minister

Indonesia is expected to be free from child laborers in 2020 through the implementation of its Child Labor Elimination ...

Sampang police detain 76 Rohingya refugees

Sampang police detained 76 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Tanglok seaport, Madura Island, East Java Province, on ...