
Collection of pamekasan news, found 103 news.

Banser NU to guard Mahfud's parents' house after mobs raided

Nahdlatul Ulama's (NU's) youth wing Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) will deploy its militia organization Banser ...

"DETAK" app by Malang researchers detects heart disease accurately

Several researchers from the Brawijaya University in Malang, East Java, have developed "DETAK," an ...

News Focus

Indonesia's weather is a study in contrasts

Indonesia is preparing anticipatory measures against extreme weather events as it is prone to hydro-meteorological ...

East Java districts experience extreme drought

Several districts in East Java are experiencing extreme drought after recording no rainfall in more than 60 consecutive ...

East Java Police kill suspected drug dealer attempting gun assault

East Java police launched a crackdown on a local drug ring and killed suspected drug dealer Vicky Erdianto, 25, Monday, ...

PWI, Madura United FC distribute 600 aid packages to locals

Pamekasan Chapter, Madura United Football Club, and Madura's Care for Indonesia Foundation (YMPI) donated 600 aid ...

East Java coronavirus case count unchanged at 103

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa informed the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the province remained ...

Morocco-Indonesia brotherhood has existed since 16th century

The Brotherhood between the Moroccan and Indonesian ulemas has been in existence since the 16th century, Moroccan ...

South Sumatra welcomes holy Quran translated in Palembang language

The South Sumatra provincial administration welcomed the availability of the holy Quran translated in Palembang ...

Malaysia's apology on Twitter is not enough: Indonesian minister

Indonesian Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali said the Malaysian Government's apology for its soccer ...

Indonesia condemns Malaysian soccer fans' brutality

Indonesia has condemned the Malaysian soccer fans' acts of violence against Indonesian supporters who watched the ...

Pamekasan KPU does not recommend re-election to Constitutional Court

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Pamekasan did not recommend re-election (PSU) to the Constitutional Court as ...

983 personnel to secure Madura match with Persebaya in Pamekasan

Some 983 personnel have been deployed by Pamekasan police officers, East Java, to secure Saturday night's 2019 ...

Whirlwind damages 52 homes in Pamekasan, Madura

A whirlwind damaged 52 homes and a mosque in Pamekasan, Madura Island, East Java Province, on Monday. The 52 ...

Ulemas from six countries attend Quran Recital Week in Pamekasan

Ulemas representing six countries attended the closing ceremony of the Fourth International Quran Recital Week ...