
Collection of pamekasan news, found 103 news.

Govt to set up salt institute in Madura

The government is planning to set up a salt institute in Pamekasan district, East Java, to improve the quality of salt ...

Residents protest against alleged embezzlement of subsidized rice

Hundreds of people staged a rally outside the state logistics agency (Bulog) office in Pamekasan district, East Java, ...

News Focus - Indonesia Reaches Surplus of Table Salt Production

Indonesia is a country having sunshine for almost all year long and has the second longest coastline after Canada, ...

Fokker victims buried in Madiun and Magetan

Two of the ten Indonesian Air Force Fokker 27 crash victims in Jakarta will be buried in Madiun and Magetan ...

Official cars use pertamax starting August

All official cars of Pamekasan regency administration, Madura, will have to use non-subsidized fuel or pertamax, ...

Pancasila needs to be implemented to economic system

Activist from Indonesian Nationalists Students Movements (GMNI) in Pamekasan, Madura, Hafid Hamsih has called for ...

Opposition to Lady Gaga expands to other cities

A number of members of different organizations in several cities in Indonesia, including Pamekasan, Solo, Bandung and ...

Pamekasan muslim students turn Lady Gaga down

The students of Al-Fudholak Islamic boarding school held a prayer meeting here on Friday to oppose the planned concert ...

Poisonous Tomcat beetle strikes in Pamekasan

An outbreak of poisonous insects, known as Tomcat rove beetles, has again struck, infecting Islamic elementary teacher ...

Pamekasan natural disaster victims reach 1,050 families

Some 1,050 families had become victim of natural disasters in Pamekaswan as of January 2012, head of the Pamekasan ...

Pamekasan jail convict escapes

A convict named Makmun (46) at the Pamekasan jail in Madura, escaped. Head of the Pamekasan Jail Employment ...

news focus: e Java beefs up immunization to fight diphtheria

East Java Governor Soekarwo on October 7, 2011, declared an extraordinary situation (KLB) for diphtheria in all parts ...

New minister to develop fishery industries

Marine Resources and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said he was committed to developing fishery industries ...

PT Garam buys 10,000 tons of salt from farmers

State salt company PT Garam has bought 10,000 tons of salt from farmers in Sumenep, Pamekasan, and Sampang districts ...

Thousands residences launch campaigns against drugs

Thousands of people converged on Arek Lancor Monument in Pamekasan district in Madura island on Sunday to launch a ...