
Collection of pan news, found 911 news.

SUSE and Xamarin Partner to Accelerate Innovation and Support Mono Customers and Community

-Xamarin granted broad rights to Mono; will continue development of mobile products and oversee Mono project  ...

Mexican soldiers find record marijuana plantation

Mexican soldiers discovered the biggest marijuana plantation ever found in the country in a remote desert surrounded ...

Democrat Party determinant factor in parliamentary threshold issue

A political observer said the ruling Democrat Party`s stance will be the determinant factor in the parliamentary ...

New Focus: RI boasting to become economic leader in Asia

With a view on developments in both external and internal economic factors, government officials are convinced that ...

Arsyad, daughter come to police chief detective office

Former Constitutional Court (MK) judge Arsyad Sanusi and his daughter Neshawati appeared at the National Police`s ...

Police name suspect in constitutional court document forgery case

Police have named a suspect in the case of the alleged forgery of a Constitutional Court (MK) document, deputy chief ...

Libya rebels expect Kadhafi proposal "very soon"

Libya`s rebels expect to receive an offer from Moamer Kadhafi "very soon" that could end the four-month-old war, a ...

SMX Appoints Mr. Vaidyalingam Hariharan as Interim Chief Executive Officer

-         The Singapore Mercantile Exchange ("SMX") announced today that Mr. V ...

State firms sign anti-bribery pact

A number of directors of state-owned companies on Wednesday signed an anti-bribery pact as part of their commitment to ...

RI Leads Drive For Nuke-free World

Indonesia has been actively pushing for a world free of nuclear weapons at various regional and international fora ...

Embassy preparing evacuation of more Indonesians from Yemen

The Indonesian embassy in Yemen is preparing the further evacuation of Indonesian nationals amid the deepening crisis ...

Habibie, Amien Rais to be keynote speakers at UN forum

Former Indonesian president Bacharuddin Jusup Habibie and former chairman of the People`s Consultative Assembly (MPR) ...

Habibie, Amien Rais to be keynote speakers at UN forum

Former Indonesian president Bacharuddin Jusup Habibie and former chairman of the People`s Consultative Assembly (MPR) ...

Democrat remains most popular party: survey

The ruling Democrat Party remains the most popular party and will gain the vast majority votes if general elections ...

Coalition members may still have different views

The associate chairman of Golongan Karya (Golkar) Party, Priyo Budi Santoso, said coalition members are not banned to ...