
Collection of passport news, found 452 news.

Liza Wang loses HK$3 million in Bulglary

About HK$3 million (S$489,000) in cash and jewellery was stolen from Hong Kong veteran singer-actress Liza Wang`s ...

Putin accuses US of `trapping` Snowden in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday (July 15) accused the United States of trapping US intelligence leaker ...

US reiterates call for russia to hand over Snowden

The United States on Friday reiterated its call for Russia to hand over Edward Snowden to face espionage charges back ...

Excitement in Russia as ex-spy offers marriage to Snowden

Russian ex-spy Anna Chapman has proposed marriage to US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, who is stuck without ...

Hundreds of Indonesian overstayers ask for Saudi amnesty

About 300,000 Indonesian immigrants overstaying their stay permits in Saudi Arabia are asking for amnesty to the Saudi ...

Austrian plane search for leader snowden enrages Bolivia

Bolivia accused Austria of "kidnapping" its president, Evo Morales, on Wednesday after authorities searched his plane ...

Snowden needs world`s protection

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that Edward Snowden, the former U.S. spy agency contractor, ...

Snowden needs world`s protection

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that Edward Snowden, the former U.S. spy agency contractor, ...

Japan eases off entry visa requirements for Indonesia

The Japan government to ease off entry visa requirements for some ASEAN countries where Malaysia and Thailand ...

RI`s Consulate General in Jeddah opens 21 hours per day

The Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, opens 21 hours a day to accelerate registration of workers ...

78 Indonesians to be deported after Jeddah incident

About 78 Indonesians who are being detained by authority in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for their involvement in a stampede ...

Foreign Ministry urged to resolve Jeddah incident quickly

Chief of the Indonesian Advocates Association (AAI) Humphrey Djemat has urged the Foreign Ministry to act quickly in ...

Steven Seagal "almost Chechen"

Hollywood star Steven Seagal spent time on Wednesday with Ramzan Kadyrov, the former militant fighter who now heads ...

VP calls for readiness for possible lawsuits

Vice President Boediono has called for readiness for possible lawsuits from home and abroad in line with current ...

Indonesian victims of human trafficking repatriated

Eighty-two Indonesian migrant workers who had fallen victim to human trafficking have returned to their home country, ...