#pdip against

Collection of pdip against news, found 890 news.

Govt expects Rp165 trillion from tax amnesty program

The House of Representatives (DPR) enacted into law on Tuesday the governments tax amnesty bill which will provide tax ...

House approves bills on tax amnesty and amended 2016 state budget

The House of Representatives passed into laws the tax amnesty and amended 2016 state budget bills in a plenary ...

President, PDIP faction meet at State Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Democratic Party of Struggle Faction in the House (FPDI) met at the State ...

FM expresses deep condolences over death of ambassador Alex Litaay

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has expressed deep condolences over the death of Indonesian ambassador to Croatia ...

Sandi Uno closest rival of ahok vying for Jakarta governorship

Sandiago Uno (Sandi Uno), a young business leader is the closest rival in popularity and electability faced by ...

Will Ahok change his stance, only time will tell

With the election of Jakartas next governor just a few months away, the political atmosphere in the capital city, and ...

DPR urged not to bargain over tax amnesty bill

Experts and observers warn the House of Representative (DPR) not to bargain over the tax amnesty bill, saying the bill ...

Ahok reiterates running for governor`s office through non-political party avenue

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) reaffirmed on Thursday that he would still run with the help of an ...

House rejects policy to scrap electricity subsidy

Indonesian lawmaker Mercy Chriesty Barends has rejected the governments policy to scrap electricity subsidy, a move ...

Padjajaran University awards honorary doctorate to Megawati

Former president and chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri received ...

Expert: Election of Setya Novanto benefits Jokowi government

The election of Setya Novanto as the new general chairman of the Golkar party, will benefit the government of ...

Bakrie hosts luncheon for ICAPP delegates

Chairman of the Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie hosted a luncheon for the delegates attending the 26th International ...

Committee votes to ban liquor sales in Surabaya

The Surabaya city legislative councils special committee for draft liquor bylaws has banned the sale of liquor in the ...

Revision of anti-graft law finally postponed

The planned revision of Law No.30/2002 on Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is finally postponed after President ...

Anti-graft agency`s leaders meet President Jokowi

Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agus Rahardjo and other leaders of the anti-graft agency met ...