#pekanbaru city

Collection of pekanbaru city news, found 135 news.

Floods kill six people in Riau: Rescue agency

Floods that have been inundating certain parts of Riau Province in Sumatra Island over the past two months have ...

Pekanbaru police seize 3,000 ecstasy pills, 1.5 kg crystal meth

The Pekanbaru City Police in Riau Province have seized three thousand ecstasy pills and 1.5 kilograms of crystal meth ...

News focus - Anticipating dengue fever in rainy season by Otniel Tamindael

People across Indonesia should give serious attention to the outbreak of dengue fever, because the acute infectious ...

News focus - Neno Warisman`s new role in Indonesian politics by Rahmad Nasution

Neno Warisman is an ordinary citizen, who is now getting a significant position in Indonesia`s political life. Her ...

Neno Warisman joins Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno pair`s success team

Neno Warisman, an activist of the #2019GantiPresiden (#2019ChangePresident) movement, joins the Prabowo ...

Freedom of expression exercised in accordance with regulations: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo has defended the police`s acts of securing the law and order in dealing with the people`s rights ...

Gunman attacks Pekanbaru penitentiary in Riau Province

The Gobah penitentiary in Pekanbaru city of Riau Province was attacked by an unidentified gunman on early ...

Regional head elections went smoothly

The regional head elections in several provinces and districts in Indonesia went smoothly on Wednesday. "The ...

Disabled child receives wheelchair from President Jokowi

Bulan Karunia Rudianti, a third grade primary school student born without feet in Pekanbaru City, received a ...

Forest, land fires spread to 633 hectares in Riau

Forest and land fires have spread across Riau Province, reaching 633 hectares since Jan 14. The most difficult ...

Densus arrests four suspected terrorists in Riau Province

The National Polices Counterterrorism Squad, Densus 88, has arrested four suspected terrorists in Kampar district and ...

Indonesian student wins gold medal in International Chemistry Olympiad

Dean Fanggohans, an Indonesian student of State Senior High School (SMAN) 8 of Pekanbaru city, Riau province, won a ...

Riau police hand over six Bangladeshi nationals to immigration office

Police in the Riau provincial capital of Pekanbaru have handed over six Bangladeshi nationals to the local immigration ...

Dengue cases reported in Pekanbaru

The Health Office of Pekanbaru City in Riau Province has reported 78 dengue cases since Jan 2017. "Seventy-eight ...

Police foil attempt of smuggling three tons of garlic

Police have foiled an attempt of smuggling in three tons of garlic using a ship through Jangkang river in Bengkalis ...