#pekanbaru city

Collection of pekanbaru city news, found 135 news.

81 foreign child refugees begin schooling in Pekanbaru

A total of 81 foreign child refugees began their studies at eight elementary schools in Pekanbaru City, Riau ...

ISPA cases in Riau increasing due to smog

The smog from the forest and land fires in Riau Province has increased the number of patients suffering from acute ...

Pekanbaru schools closed after thick smog shrouds city

Thick smog in Pekanbaru, Riau, arising from land and forest fires, has compelled the local government to close schools ...

Schools forced to close as haze worsens Jambi's air quality

A deterioration in the air quality in Jambi city, with concentration of harmful PM2.5 particles indicating hazardous ...

Air-polluting forest fire hotspots in Riau reach 154

The Pekanbaru meteorology station reported that 448 hotspots were observed throughout Sumatra Island, comprising 154 ...

7,745 suffer from acute respiratory tract infection in Pekanbaru

The Pekanbaru City Health Office reported that the number of people suffering from acute respiratory tract infection ...

Four helicopters roped in to battle forest fires in Riau

The Riau forest fire task force has employed four helicopters to douse the conflagration spreading across the southern ...

Riau task force deploys four helicopters to extinguish forest fires

The land and forest fire task force of Riau Province has deployed four helicopters on Tuesday to help douse the fire ...

Smog lowers visibility in Pekanbaru

Haze from forest and land fires blanketing Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, since Tuesday morning, has reduced ...

Indonesia's prospective hajj pilgrims laud food consumption in Mecca

Prospective hajj pilgrims joining the Batam Embarkation in Riau Islands Province have praised the menus served in ...

Cash requests soared in Riau during election BI

There was a surge in the demand for cash before voting day of the simultaneous elections in 2019, and the day after in ...

PLN sets up 39 posts to ensure electricity supply during elections

State-owned electricity company PT. PLN has provided 39 standby posts in Pekanbaru, Riau province, in order to ensure ...

Riau BNN foils 24-kg crytal meth smuggling from Malaysia

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Riau Province managed to foil attempts to smuggle 24 kilograms of crystal ...

Jakarta police uncover Pekanbaru-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring

The Indonesian Police have uncovered the Riau-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring as a result of a thorough investigation that ...

Egyptian man deported from Pekanbaru

An Egyptian citizen named Tarek Ashour Mostafa Abdelaty was transported on Friday from Pekanbaru in Riau Province to ...