#pekanbaru city

Collection of pekanbaru city news, found 134 news.

BNPB deploys water bombing helicopter to handle forest fires in Riau

Riau, M. Edy Afrizal, informed on Monday. The Kamov KA32T RA31009 type helicopter with a bombing capacity of five ...

Jokowi inaugurates wastewater treatment system in Pekanbaru

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Friday opened a centralized wastewater treatment system for processing wastewater ...

Brain hospital in Riau to become operational in 2025: Official

Riau is expected to get a brain hospital in 2025 to prevent its residents from seeking stroke care services in ...

Air Force Chief vows to modernize equipment to strengthen air defense

Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff Marshall Mohamad Tony Harjono affirmed that all his personnel must be committed to ...

Riau police arrest 13 drug traffickers, seize 19 kg of methamphetamine

Riau police apprehended 13 suspected drug traffickers and seized 19 kg of methamphetamine, 21,161 ecstasy pills, and 30 ...

BNPB gives flood disaster-handling assistance of Rp350 million to Riau

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has given Rp350 million, or over US$22 thousand, ready-to-use fund to ...

BMKG warns of potential rain with lightning in major cities

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to the public to be aware of the potential for rain ...

Two drug couriers arrested with five kg crystal meth: BNN

South Sumatra Office unveiled that its officers arrested two drug couriers and confiscated five kg of crystal ...

Why stricter sanctions are crucial to check protected animal trade

Special attention and serious measures have become essential for ending the illegal trade of protected animals and ...

Three provinces should stay alert for new wildfire risks: BMKG

Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), on Tuesday, warned residents in South ...

Wildfire in Bangka Tengah's Koba protected forest put out: BPBD

The Bangka Belitung Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has extinguished a wildfire that spread across 55 hectares of ...

BMKG detects 252 hotspots in 7 East Kalimantan districts

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported detecting 252 wildfire hotspots in 7 districts of ...

Pekanbaru mulls closing schools if haze worsens

The Pekanbaru city administration, Riau Province, is considering closing schools if the haze, which has engulfed ...

Unri explores research collaboration with University of Waterloo

The University of Riau (Unri) in Pekanbaru city, Riau province, is exploring research collaboration with the University ...

Riau explores cooperation opportunities with Indian Consulate General

Riau Governor Syamsuar explored opportunities for cooperation with Indian Consul General Shubham Singh in the ...