#pekanbaru city

Collection of pekanbaru city news, found 135 news.

Fires scorch 6,000 hectares of land, forests in Riau

Six thousand hectares of land and forests were destroyed by fire in Riau province, according to a disaster mitigation ...

US offers training for forest rangers in Indonesia

The United States plans to offer training for forest rangers in Indonesia to enable them to tackle incidents such as ...

44 countries support sumatran tiger conservation

The environmental organization Greenpeace pointed out that at least 44 countries have shown support for saving the ...

Three flights delayed due to haze in Pekanbaru

At least three flights from Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport, Pekanbaru city, to Jakarta and Malaka (Malaysia) were ...

Govt allocates Rp2 trillion to build Trans Sumatra

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Radjasa here on Thursday said the government has allocated Rp2 Trillion ...

Three flights from Dumai cancelled due to haze

Three flights from Dumai city are cancelled due to low visibility following haze that is still happening in the area, ...

Haze raises respiratory disease sufferers by 20 pct

The Health Monitoring Office (KKP) of Pekanbaru`s Port recorded increase in respiratory disease by 20 percent as a ...

Chinese daily condemns assault on journalists

Chinese newspaper People`s Daily has strongly condemned the assault on Indonesian journalists by National Armed Forces ...

BJB seeks to expand credit market to construction sector

The Pekanbaru branch of Bank Jabar Banten (Bank BJB) is seeking to expand its credit market in construction sector in ...

Pekanbaru deploys 800 personnel for anti-fuel hike rally

The Pekanbaru Police department will deploy 800 personnel to secure the anti-fuel price hike rally on March 29, an ...

Carrefour wants to expand its business to Sumatra

The multinational retail company Carrefour is expanding its business to Sumatra, especially in Pekanbaru City, which ...

Pekanbaru officially bans Valentine`s Day celebrations

Pekanbaru city`s administration has officially banned the celebration of Valentine`s Day among school students ...

Number of hot spots in Sumatra down to 17

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Riau province said the number of hot spots in Sumatra ...

Thick haze blankets Riau`s Pekanbaru city

Haze that has blanketed the sky of Pekanbaru, Riau province`s capital city, over the past three days has thickened on ...

Some 450 police officers to secure PSSI congress

As many as 450 police officers will be fielded to assure a smooth congress of the All Indonesia Football Association ...