
Collection of perform news, found 1.652 news.

Hindus sanctify Prambanan Temple after 1,163 years

Hundreds of Hindus across Indonesia performed the Abhiseka ritual of sanctification for the first time in 1,163 years, ...

KPK respects judge's verdict against Nahrawi's judicial review request

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) respected sole judge Elfian's verdict to reject ex-youth and sports ...

Bali welcomes ASEAN, South Korean artists performing at ATO 2019

Bali Deputy Governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati welcomed ASEAN and South Korean artists scheduled to perform ...

aPay Group opens Malta headquarters, will demonstrate its high-performance blockchain-based payment processor and stored value card transactions at Malta Blockchain Summit

- aPay Systems LTD, a high-volume online payments processor, inaugurated its new Malta headquarters on Monday. ...

Nusa Dua Fiesta from Oct 25 in Bali

The Nusa Dua Charm Fiesta 2019 will be organized in Peninsula Island, Nusa Dua, Bali Island, from October 25 to 27, by ...

Sri Mulyani to remain finance minister in Jokowi's second-term cabinet

Sri Mulyani Indrawati (Sri Mulyani) spoke of President Jokowi’s request to her to continue holding her current ...

Indonesia adds value to mining industry, invests in downstream processing facilities

- Creating mining and minerals processing infrastructure to increase Indonesia’s mineral value while strengthening ...

Indonesia adds value to mining industry, invests in downstream processing facilities

- Creating mining and minerals processing infrastructure to increase Indonesia’s mineral value while strengthening ...

News Feature

A closer look at Dayak Meratus' thanksgiving ritual

Two "balian" or shamans of Dayak Meratus tribe circled a tree-like ornament, bare feet shuffling on ...

Kumolo named acting law and human rights minister

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) named Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo as new acting law and human rights minister ...

ZHIYUN announces the SMOOTH-Q2 mobile gimbal

- Zhiyun, the world’s leading gimbal manufacturer, is pleased to announce the official launch of the ...

Discovering Jakarta

Indonesians in tunic dresses: Indian descendants in Pasar Baru

Sukomala wore an apron while entering the alley and welcomed three women guests whom she ushered through a ...

Discovering Jakarta

From palmist to living statues: transgressing sightseeing at Kota Tua

Under the searing heat of Jakarta’s Old Town (Kota Tua), sat a man, in a red plain shirt and Batik headband, ...

Xanana Gusmao visits BJ Habibie's grave to pay his last respect

Timor Leste 's first president and founding father Kay Rana Xanana Gusmao along with East Timorese students ...

Hundreds of Muslims in Gaza perform prayers for late BJ Habibie

Several hundred Muslims in Gaza, Palestine, performed prayers for late BJ Habibie, Indonesia's third ...