#pilot project

Collection of pilot project news, found 392 news.

News Focus

Indonesian regions brace for reopening of tourism attractions

The spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has brought the tourism sector to a screeching halt, resulting ...

Ministry to develop sustainable shrimp farming model in Sukabumi

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has planned to develop Sukabumi District in West Java as a model for ...

Ministry to help recovery of Gili Matra marine tourism in NTB

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is ready to help the recovery of marine tourism industry in Gili ...

Pilot planned in Nusa Dua for new normal tourism

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is planning to launch a pilot project in Nusa Dua, Bali to promote tourism ...

Bali to target tourists from nearby countries in new normal

The tourism industry in Bali is planning to target travelers from nearby countries, such as Thailand, Myanmar, and ...

Hong Kong identifies biowaste reuse opportunities, supports sustainable development

- Hong Kong is increasing the recycling rate of yard waste and wood waste to promote sustainability.Hong Kong is ...

Bappenas spurs Bali over pilot project for waste-fueled power plant

National Development Planning Minister/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa is ...

Fishery Ministry, FAO to develop low-cost Pangasius culture

The Maritime and Fishery Ministry and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will develop a low-cost ...

Korea's LG Chemical intent on constructing battery plant in Indonesia

South Korea's chemical company LG Chemical has expressed interest to build an integrated battery factory in ...

News Feature

Saving Julia and Cykita

Three years ago, Julia had just given birth to her baby Cykita, when a team of conservationists in South Kalimantan ...

BPPT builds pilot project to produce industrial salt

Indonesia's Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) is collaborating with state-owned salt ...

AP II inks MoU to install electric vehicle charging station

State-run airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II) has inked an agreement with state-run electricity firm PT PLN to ...

Indonesia's KIS program barometer for world's social security program

The National Health Insurance and Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program has become a barometer for the world's ...

81 foreign child refugees begin schooling in Pekanbaru

A total of 81 foreign child refugees began their studies at eight elementary schools in Pekanbaru City, Riau ...

BMKG plans to install 10 sets of EEWS

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has planned to install 10 sets of Earthquake Early Warning ...