Turkey pledged $200 million in aid for Libya`s rebel Transitional National Council and said it was time for leader ...
The Sudanese government and the northern branch of the ex-rebel Sudan People`s Liberation Movement (SPLM) signed on ...
Turkey voted Sunday in parliamentary polls, with the Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party set to win a third ...
Japan`s newly appointed ambassador to Indonesia Yoshinori Katori pledges to boost cooperation in the economic field ...
Myanmar Union Minister of Finance and Revenue U Hla Tun has called for the role of customs departments in realizing ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa said he was pleased that Indonesia has been elected as a member of the UN ...
Acclaimed as being the third largest democratic country in the world with high commitment to respect for human ...
Indonesia has joined the world in celebrating the International Year of Forest 2011 as declared by The United Nations ...
A three-year-old child who was treated in hospital for addiction to alcohol is thought to be Britain`s youngest ever ...
The Earth Hour global movement to help fight climate change is going beyond asking people to turn off their lights to ...
US President Barack Obama renewed his vow to defeat Al-Qaeda and said the Taliban would never be allowed to retake ...
Interpol is ready to help Russia investigate Monday`s terrorist attack at Moscow`s Domodedovo airport, the ...