The Central Kalimantan police have detained and named 95 people as suspects for setting fires in forest and plantation ...
The police arrested four alleged terrorists in Palu City of Central Sulawesi on Sunday (Oct. 5) who are believed to be ...
A 39-year-old woman was arrested by the police in Lubuklinggau district, South Sumatra, for allegedly trafficking ...
The district police of Samarinda, East Kalimantan, arrested a prosecutor in the regency of Kutai Kartanegara, on ...
The Bali police have arrested 12 narcotic suspects, including a Lithuanian, in the period between July and August, ...
The Denpasar city police in the Indonesian resort island of Bali have arrested two people suspected of killing a US ...
Police anti-terror squad Densus 88 has arrested another terrorist suspect known as member of the West Mujahidin ...
Police have arrested two terrorist suspects believed to be members of the Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT) network led ...
Egyptian police arrested on Thursday three suspects in the robbery case of two Indonesian female students of the ...
The North Kuta Police Department, Bali, arrested an Australian citizen who had allegedly threatened a villas staff ...
Vice presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla has urged the police to immediately arrest the publisher of "Obor Rakyat" ...
The Denpasar Police have arrested a perpetrator who is suspected to be involved in the murder of the 52-year-old ...
The police arrested a military attacker, who is believed to be part of a group responsible for killing First Private ...
The Batam Water Police recently took 61 Vietnamese fishermen into custody for illegal fishing in the waters of Riau ...
Jakarta City Police (Polda Metro Jaya) nabbed a group of car theft specialists that stole auto vehicles from parking ...