#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.111 news.

Police arrest seven suspected terrorists in Malino

The police have arrested seven suspected terrorists in the past few days from their hideout in the village of Tayawa ...

Trigana aircraft was not shot at during flight

The National Police Headquarters denied on Monday that a Twin Otter aircraft carrying Papua Provincial Police Chief ...

Police chief calls to optimize intelligence operations

National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti has called on his personnel to optimize intelligence operations and early ...

Brimob personnel sent to N Kalimantan to help restore security

The National Police Headquarters has sent two companies of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel to North Kalimantan ...

Five regions fail to participate in simultaneous elections

While the first-ever simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia were to be organized 269 regions across the ...

Central Sulawesi police chief urged to remain on terror alert

National Police Chief Badrodin Haiti urged Central Sulawesi Provincial Police Chief Brigadier General Idham Azis to ...

Deadly accident prompts calls for better transportation services

The commuter train-Metromini bus collision at North Jakartas Muara Angke railway crossing that killed 17 people, ...

Jakarta police secures demonstrators for raising morning star flag

The Jakarta Police have secured several demonstrators from the Papua Students Alliance (AMP) for raising the banned ...

KPK expects police not to detain Novel Baswedan

The Acting Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Johan Budi, hoped that the anti-graft bodys ...

Indonesia steps up security following Paris terror attacks

Paris may be thousands of miles away from Jakarta, but the terror attacks that hit the French capital on Nov 13, have ...

Indonesian police chief orders beefed-up security at French embassy

Indonesian Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti has ordered beefed-up security at the French and other foreign ...

Indonesian police deports 86 Chinese nationals involved in cybercrimes

Nine members of the Indonesian police headquarters detective division secured the deportation of 86 Chinese nationals ...

Seven foreign firms allegedly involved in land and forest fires

Seven foreign companies are strongly believed to have been involved in land and forest fires in Sumatra and ...

Basarnas hands over crashed Aviastar black box to KNKT

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has handed over black box and debris of crashed Aviastar aircraft to ...

Ten bodies of crashed Aviastar plane arrive at Hasanuddin airport

As many as ten bodies of the victims of the crashed Aviastar aircraft, which were evacuated by a joint team of ...