#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.111 news.

Jakarta police HQ security tightened following Cirebon bomb attack

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police headquarters tightened security on Friday following a suicide bomb attack at a police ...

Six die as Afghan ambulance bomb targets police

Six Afghan security personnel were killed Thursday as Taliban gunmen detonated a bomb hidden in an ambulance amid an ...

Banks` internal weakness source of bank fraud: BI

Banks` internal weaknesses are the source of bank fraud, especially in terms of supervision by the upper level of ...

President Yudhoyono Awaiting Official Report Concerning Umar Patek

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is still awaiting an official report concerning information about the arrest by ...

Police arrest another Citibank employee

Police on Wednesday arrested another Citibank employee on charges of involvement in money laundering. "We arrested ...

Whistle blower Susno Duadji thanks national police

Former police chief detective Commissioner General Susno Duadji said here Tuesday he thanked his police corps for ...

Some 450 police officers to secure PSSI congress

As many as 450 police officers will be fielded to assure a smooth congress of the All Indonesia Football Association ...

Police trace couriers of four book bomb parcels

Police have traced the identities and whereabouts of the courier(s) of book parcel bombs sent to four addresses, a ...

Parcel bomb scare grips residents in many regions

Over the past one week, residents in several Indonesian regions have been terrorized by issues of parcel bombs which ...

Yemen seethes as death toll climbs to 52

Yemenis seethed with anger as medics raised the death toll from a sniper attack on protesters to 52 and thousands ...

Police issue sketch of parcel bomb courier`s face

Police have issued a sketch of the face of the person who delivered a parcel bomb at the Radio News Agency 68H in ...

Jakarta police chief to personally oversee parcel bomb probes

The performance of the police officers investigating the spate of Tuesday`s parcel bombing attempts is to be evaluated ...

Australia to strengthen law enforcement with Indonesia

Australian is to strengthen law enforcement with Indonesia by building three high-speed boats in dealing with people ...

IPW urges govt to stop forming anti-anarchism detachment

The Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) coordinator has urged the National Police (Polri) and the House of Representatives ...

Ahmadiyah follower named suspect in Cikeusik incident

Banten police have named an Ahmadiyah follower, identified as Deden, a suspect in the clash between a group of people ...