#police personnel

Collection of police personnel news, found 985 news.

78 Bogor churches observing health protocols during Mass: police

Seventy-eight churches organizing offline Christmas Mass and activities in Bogor city, West Java were observing the ...

Minister optimistic of reaching 70% vaccination target by year-end

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has said he is optimistic that national ...

8,000 officers to secure Jakarta's year-end activities

Eight thousand personnel from the police, military, and Jakarta administration have been prepared for the 2021 Lilin ...

Cianjur: BPBD sends officers to monitor quake-prone areas

Following the 3.0-magnitude earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, the district's Disaster Mitigation Agency ...

BMKG records decrease in aftershocks following quake in Flores Sea

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) confirmed to a decrease in the number of aftershocks after a ...

South Sulawesi police personnel deployed to assist quake victims

The South Sulawesi police headquarters has deployed a company of personnel from the elite Mobile Brigade unit to ...

Basarnas in Yogyakarta readies teams ahead of Christmas, New Year

The Yogyakarta National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has readied search and rescue (SAR) teams to be on standby ...

Government urges churches to form COVID-19 task force

The Indonesian government has required church administrators holding offline worship to form a COVID-19 task force and ...

Some 44,582 police personnel to ensure security during Christmas

The National Police (Polri)  will deploy as many as 44,582 personnel to offer security at several churches during ...

Clean Up The World to preserve marine ecosystem: ex-minister

Former marine affairs and fisheries minister Susi Pudjiastuti said, "Clean Up the World 2021" event plays a ...

Speech at rally contest aims to educate about human rights: Prabowo

The 2021 Speech at Rally Contest aims to educate the public and police personnel on the importance of protecting the ...

Military personnel involved in violence to face legal sanctions

The Commander of the National Defense Forces (TNI), General Andika Perkasa, has assured that any personnel involved in ...

People urged to stay at home during new year's eve: West Java Governor

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil urged the people at large to stay at home during New Year’s Eve to ...

Indonesia, New Zealand ink MoU on eradicating transnational crimes

Indonesia and New Zealand have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to prevent and eradicate transnational crimes ...

Mataram city police to secure WSBK at city entry points

The Mataram city police deployed its personnel at various locations of the city's entry points to secure the ...