#ppn ministry

Collection of ppn ministry news, found 49 news.

Circular economy can contribute Rp642 trillion to GDP: Bappenas

The implementation of a circular economy could potentially contribute Rp593 trillion - Rp642 trillion to the gross ...

SDG targets must not be lowered amid pandemic: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said the targets set under the sustainable development goals (SDGs) should not be ...

News Focus

Post-COVID-19 recovery must pave way to sustainable world

The lingering COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious damage, socially and economically, around the world. As of June ...

Implementation of 2014 state budget 87 percent: Bappenas

The National Development Planning (PPN) Ministry/National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) said implementation of ...