#presidential race

Collection of presidential race news, found 240 news.

Jakarta police to deploy 18,000 personnel to secure election activities

The Jakarta Police will deploy about 18,000 personnel to secure all activities during the 2014 general election ...

Jokowi as presidential candidate is not merely Megawati`s compliance: Observer

The decision of Megawati Soekarnoputri to agree to field the Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo as a presidential candidate ...

No problem with naming Jokowi as presidential candidate: Gerindra

The Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party had no problem with the naming of the Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo as a ...

Indonesian KPU targets 75 pct participation in 2014 elections

The Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) has set itself a target of 75 percent of eligible voters taking part ...

Stable economic base being prepared for next government

The current government, which will end term in October this year, is determined to lay a stable foundation for ...

Indonesia Islamic parties have possibility to coalesce

Islam-based political parties in Indonesia have the possibility to join forces in the presidential race next July, ...

RI needs to reinforce economic resilience in border areas

As a window and gate for outsiders, border areas reflect a countrys socio-economic, cultural and political resilience ...

Dahlan Iskan says he will not follow Gita

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan will not follow the Trade Minister Gita Wirjawans step to resign from his ...

People have big interest in presidential election

Survey institute Pol-Tracking has revealed that the peoples interest in taking part in next Julys presidential ...

Gita Wiryawan ready to resign over bid for presidential candidate

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan is ready to resign from his post, following his bid to participate in the Democrat ...

Dino tenders resignation as ambassador to US before PD convention

Indonesian Ambassador to the United States Dino Patti Djalal has tendered his resignation to President Susilo Bambang ...

President must replace two ministers: Laode

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono must temporarily suspend or replace two ministers who plan to take part in the ...

Not time yet for Jokowi to be presidential candidate

This is not the right time for Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be nominated as a presidential candidate, ...

Hanura names Wiranto presidential candidate

The People`s Conscience Party (Hanura) officially named Wiranto and Hary Tanoesoedibjo as its presidential and vice ...

Observers say party convention aims to build image

Amid public doubts over dedicated political party cadres, the ruling Democratic Party (PD) is planning to launch a ...