#presidential regulation

Collection of presidential regulation news, found 1.279 news.

Electric vehicles could become major market for PLN: Minister Hartarto

With the contribution of the automotive industry to the national economy growing to 22.41 percent in the fourth quarter ...

New capital authority finalizing supporting regulations

The Nusantara Capital Authority is focusing on finalizing supporting regulations before commencing the construction of ...

Minister optimistic of 30 million MSMEs involved in digital space

Cooperatives and SME Minister Teten Masduki expressed optimism that as many as 30 million national MSMEs would be able ...

Jokowi targets 20 million MSMEs to leverage e-commerce by 2022

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) targets as many as 20 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to get ...

Increasing clean water access, sanitation facilities reduce stunting

Increasing access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities could suppress the rate of stunting in children, ...

Collaboration key to enhance road safety: Transportation Minister

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has said joint collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders is ...

Government ensures effective policy through big data utilization: KSP

The government will continue to ensure an effective and accurate policy formulation process for the benefit of the ...

East Java encourages use of electric vehicles, induction cookers

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has issued a circular regarding the use of battery-based electric vehicles ...

Ministry optimistic of alleviating 32 disadvantaged areas by 2024

The Villages, Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (PDTT) Ministry is optimistic of being able to alleviate 32 ...

Zoning 12 inter-regional sea areas targeted for completion by 2024

The Indonesian government has targeted to complete the plan of zoning 12 inter-regional sea areas (RZ KAW) by ...

Regulating publisher rights can ensure more balanced media convergence

The publisher rights regulation, if officially established, would help ensure a more balanced media convergence, ...

Government pushes reduction, elimination of mercury in four sectors:

The Indonesian government continues to advocate for the reduction and elimination of mercury in the four sectors of ...

Indonesia bolstering green economy through waste management

The Indonesian government is encouraging the implementation of green economy through waste management to realize social ...

Government's seriousness in relocating the new capital city

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated the Authority Head and Deputy Head of the new capital city (IKN) ...

Sustainable water management bolsters water resiliency: minister

The sustainable water resource management program is necessary to improve Indonesia's water resiliency, ...