#private parties

Collection of private parties news, found 292 news.

Rp1,000 trillion needed to make MP3EI program successful

Indonesia`s chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said the country needed Rp1,000 trillion to make its Master Plan for ...

UP4B ready to hold dialogue with papua separatists

The chairman of the government`s Unit for Acceleration of Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B) Lieutenant ...

Rangkasbitung students also able to make 50 Tawon cars monthly

Following the news on Solo high school students` success in auto making, Lebak district`s industry office on Saturday ...

RI minister hopes Fitch`s assessment followed by other rating agencies

Finance Minister Agus Martowardoyo said he would like rating agencies like Standard & Poor and Moody`s to follow ...

VP says investments in Papua safe

Vice President Boediono said investments in Papua remained safe and so investors need not worry. "Papua is safe. ...

Bali Governor opposed to geothermal project in bedugul - (d)

Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika said he continued to oppose the idea of allowing a geothermal exploration project in ...

RI sends team to world cheerleading competition

Although supported minimally by public and private parties, Indonesia is to participate in the 6th world ...

RI inviting S Korea to develop fishery industries

Indonesia is inviting South Korean investors to develop its fisheries industries, Marine and Fisheries Minister ...

RI workers sent to S Arabia only after MoU signed

Manpower Minister Muhaimin Iskandar said Indonesia would lift its moratorium on dispatch of workers to Saudi Arabia ...

NU urges govt to re-negotiate mining contracts

Indonesia`s largest Islamic organization has urged the government to re-negotiate its contracts with mining companies ...

Govt signs Rp30 trillion MP3eI power project

The government signed a power project in Central Java which is one of the largest projects in the Master Plan for the ...

Jakarta to build huge dike to overcome flooding problem

The Jakarta city administration plans to build a huge dike to overcome flood problem that the city always faces every ...

Conflicts in RI caused by economic not religious factors

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said the conflicts that had happened in the country so far were related to ...

Lampung Barat can be international tourism destination

Lampung Barat district in Lampung Province can be turned into an international tourist destination in Indonesia. ...

Indonesian government serious about tackling migrant workers problems

The government is serious about tackling the problems of Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) abroad, President Susilo ...