
Collection of prosecutors news, found 514 news.

Assessing the need to sentence sexual violence perpetrators to death

The state prosecutor has demanded Herry Wirawan, a serial rapist, who abused his authority as headmaster of an Islamic ...

Death sentence for rapist reaffirms commitment to child rights

The West Java prosecutor's decision for a death sentence for Herry Wirawan, who raped 13 female pupils in Bandung, ...

Prosecutors demand death sentence for Herry Wirawan

Prosecutors from the West Java Prosecutors Office demanded that Herry Wirawan, 36, be sentenced to death for the ...

News Focus

Year-ender: Bringing killers of four soldiers to justice

Papua Office, which investigated the terror attack, conducted a crime scene investigation and met with witnesses, two ...

Six to stand trial for attacking West Papua military post

Papua Office, which probed the terror attack, conducted a crime scene investigation and met with witnesses, two ...

Military personnel involved in violence to face legal sanctions

The Commander of the National Defense Forces (TNI), General Andika Perkasa, has assured that any personnel involved in ...

Remembering Taroenamihardja, first Attorney General of Indonesia

After being delayed for two years, the grave transfer of Indonesia's first Attorney General, Raden Gatot ...

Jakarta police destroy 1.74 tons of drugs

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have destroyed 1.74 tons of narcotics seized from 14 drug lords and 259 drug dealers ...

Revising prosecutor law can strengthen system, institution: legislator

House of Representatives member Arteria Dahlan has said that revisions to Law No. 16 of 2004 concerning the ...

News Focus

West Java tightens noose on corrupt officials

In just two months (September-October 2021), the West Java Higher Prosecutor's Office has cracked down on ...

News Focus

Police praised for prompt handling of Kace blasphemy case

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several sections of Muslim communities in the country have praised the National ...

Wahid calls for stringent punishment meted to blasphemy law offenders

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid lauded the National Police's crackdown on ...

Companies in E Java's Mojokerto urged to provide isolation facilities

The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Mojokerto District, East Java, has urged companies to ...

News Focus

Indonesia's long and winding road to winning war on drugs

Indonesia, which has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of people, on Monday ...

MP questions Bandung high court's ruling in drug trafficking case

A senior member of parliament (MP) questioned the Bandung high court judges' ruling under which six convicted drug ...