
Collection of prospective news, found 1.247 news.

whole south dakota town for sale at under $400,000 - (d)

Prospective buyers who want to be masters of their own domains could turn to southwestern South Dakota, where an ...

Collaborations Reinforce Singapore International Water Week as Premier Global Platform to Share and Co-create Solutions

Singapore International Water Week (SIWW), held from 1-5 June 2014, saw S$14.5 billion in total value for the ...

Next government expected to ensure food security

The next government of Indonesia after the upcoming July 9, 2014, presidential election is expected to ensure food ...

N Maluku batik to be made obligatory clothing

The North Maluku Industry and Trade Department (Disperindag) is planning to make it obligatory for all civil servants ...

Indonesia allows 100 percent foreign tourism investments

The Indonesias Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has allowed foreign investment in tourism sector to reach 100 ...

International football legends to visit Indonesia in May

International football legends will visit Indonesia to play against Indonesian football players in an exhibition game ...

XJTLU Leads Reform of Chinese Higher Education with Autonomous Admission Assessment

- Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was chosen as one of a select group of universities nationwide to be ...

Beware of money politics

It is not unusual to hear about allegations of money politics to influence the voters, during elections, to favor the ...

TIAA Henderson Real Estate Launched Yesterday

-TIAA Henderson Real Estate ('TH Real Estate')launchedyesterday--1 April 2014. The company has a well-established ...

Women`s quality, not quantity, needed in parliament

Political parties should nominate qualified woman legislative candidates so that they can work and represent the ...

Biak to Intensify Regional Development

The Biak Numfor district government in West Papua aims to promote regional development and empower the local ...

More students become bidikmisi scholarship target by

The Government of Indonesia plans to provide more students with Bidikmisi scholarships in 2014 as part of its effort ...

Empire State Realty Trust To Celebrate The Chinese Lunar New Year With Special Empire State Building Tower Lighting And

- Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT) today announced the Empire State Building's plans to honor the Chinese ...

Japanese Cuisine in Indonesia Focuses on Taste, Menus Food Safety

Japanese companies are more active in promoting their native foods in the Indonesian market due to increasing interest ...

"Hello Kemkes" ready to serve potential clients of BJPS

"This is Hello Kemkes, Im Firman, can I help you?", a customer service officer of "Hello Kemkes" greeted Titik, who ...