#protected forest

Collection of protected forest news, found 150 news.

Peat land preservation in indonesia saves the earth

The preservation of peat land in Indonesia saves the Earth because damage would supply more emission to the Earth ...

Habitat of rare animal species damaged

Wide forest areas as habitats of rare animal species in the province of Bengkulu have been damaged on rampant illegal ...

Population of Sumatra elephants in critical condition

The population of Sumatra elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) living in Riau, Indonesia, is in critical condition ...

One by One, Sumatran Tigers Fall Into Illegal Traps

Over the past two months, at least two Sumatran tigers (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) have fallen into illegal traps ...

Orangutans Free At Last

In the Indonesian or Malay language, the word "orangutan" literally means "man of the forest", and this is not so ...

BOS Foundation to release 600 orangutans in C Kalimantan

Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation will release 600 orangutans into Central Kalimantan forest in 2012. ...

Minister releases four orangutans in Kalimantan`s forest

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan released four orangutans into the Bukit Batikap protected forest area in Murung Jaya ...

Illegal logging threatens Raflesia flower in Bengkulu

Illegal logging in the protected Bukit Daun forest, Bengkulu, threatens the habitat of the world`s largest flower, ...

Rafflesia habitats spread evenly in Bengkulu

The habitats of Rafflesia Arnoldii are spread evenly in forest areas of Bengkulu province, a Rafflesia researcher ...

Two ministers to facilitate geothermal projects in forest areas

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero Wacik and Forestry Minister Zukfili Hassan on Monday inked an agreement to ...

Bali Governor opposed to geothermal project in bedugul - (d)

Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika said he continued to oppose the idea of allowing a geothermal exploration project in ...

Two rafflesia flowers in bloom in Bengkulu

Two Rafflesia arnoldi flowers are in bloom at the Taba Penanjung natural sanctuary in Central Bengkulu District, ...

news focus: Sumatran tigers need to be protected

It`s tragic that amid a "Save Tigers` Home" tour in Sumatra by an NGO, a Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was ...

Sumatran tiger attacks Bengkulu villager

A Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) attacked and injured Iwal (40), a resident of Pino Baru, Cawang village, ...

Agency facilitates numerous deer breeding centers in NTB

The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has facilitated the setting up of ...