#protection of migrant workers

Collection of protection of migrant workers news, found 194 news.

Indonesian workers urge President Jokowi to realize Nawacita commitments

Thousands of Indonesian workers, grouped in the Indonesian Workers Association (Aspek), took to the streets on Monday ...

President Jokowi seeks immediate revision of migrant workers` law

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called for an immediate revision of the law on migrant workers protection, in order ...

Indonesia urges ASEAN countries to improve maritime security

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi urged the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANs) members to improve ...

ASEAN expected to offer concrete results: Indonesian FM

During the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers Meeting Retreat on Feb 20-21 in Boracay, ...

Yearender - Indonesia`s homework on workers` migration

The United Nations (UN) has designated December 18 as the International Migrant Workers Day, when the international ...

Indonesia-Equador agree to increase trade cooperation

Indonesia and Equador have agreed to increase efforts for trade cooperation. The agreement came following a ...

Manpower Minister inaugurates migrant workers` village in Lembata

Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhammad Hanif Dhakiri inaugurated a migrant workers village at Tagawiti Village, ...

Indonesia to encourage protection of global migrant workers

The Indonesian government will always encourage various countries across the world to cooperate in ensuring that ...

Indonesia includes child health in int`l parliament confab`s recommendations

Indonesia has managed to ensure that the issue of child health and protection of migrant workers children is included ...

The formation of national cyber agency

The establishment of the National Cyber Agency, which began three years ago with the arrival of the Cyber Desk in the ...

Minister upholds ban on domestic worker placement in Middle East

The ban on sending domestic workers to the Middle East will not be lifted, Manpower Minister Muhammad Hanif Dhakiri ...

RI encourages ASEAN establish protection instrument for migrant workers

The Indonesian government continues to encourage ASEAN member countries to establish a legal instrument to protect the ...

Indonesia urges unity at ASEAN ministerial meeting

Indonesia will emphasize the importance of unity for all member countries of the ASEAN during the retreat for ASEAN ...

Minister Marsudi discusses human rights protection in ASEAN meeting

The ASEAN community should ensure maximum benefits for the people by strengthening efforts towards human rights ...

Indonesia, Thailand to step up manpower cooperation

The governments of Indonesia and Thailand are seeking increased cooperation in the field of manpower and hoped it ...