#public housing minister

Collection of public housing minister news, found 427 news.

President Jokowi travels to new capital site by sea

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) traveled to the site of the future Indonesian capital, Nusantara, by sea on board KRI ...

Social aid can be used to meet children's nutritional needs: Widodo

Social assistance beneficiaries must not hesitate to use the assistance to fulfill their children's nutritional ...

Renovated educational facilities must support student development

Rehabilitated and renovated educational facilities and infrastructure should be used to develop students' ...

All audited stadiums' renovation based on FIFA's standards: govt

All football stadiums currently being audited by the government will be renovated and rebuilt in accordance with ...

Dam projects should prioritize quality, sustainability: Minister

Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono emphasized that project supervision consultants and ...

Economic, political stability key for sustainable investment: VP

Economic and political stability are key for sustainable investment as they guide investor decisions on investing in a ...

Ministry to prioritize reviewing stadiums that draw large crowds

The Indonesian government will prioritize reviewing football stadiums used by clubs that have a lot of supporters, ...

President orders for audit of all stadiums in Indonesia

President Joko Widodo has given directives for the audit of all football stadiums in Indonesia to prevent a recurrence ...

Labor-intensive water resources programmes absorb 130 thousand workers

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing's Directorate General of Water Resources recorded that the ...

Researchers should develop more earthquake engineering innovations

Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono urged researchers at universities across Indonesia ...

TMII ready to host G20 events in October: ministry

The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry has confirmed that the renovation of Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park ...

Taking VP's position to respond to Jokowi's invitation: Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that he decided to switch from serving as ulema for the Muslim community to vice ...

President Jokowi departs for Papua for working visit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana departed for Papua Province on Tuesday afternoon to pay a working ...

Ministry's 2022 budget realization reaches Rp47.79 trillion as of Aug.

The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry reported that realization of the 2022 budget until August 23 had reached ...

TMII to be reopened in October 2022 after revitalization: Minister

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), a cultural and recreational park in East Jakarta, will be reopened to people in ...