#public kitchens

Collection of public kitchens news, found 188 news.

Sukabumi declares emergency status following flash floods

The Sukabumi district government has declared a disaster emergency response status until September 27, 2020 in Cicurug, ...

Three villages in South Kalimantan inundated following downpour

Three villages in Satui Sub-district, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan, were swamped over the past 48 hours after ...

Gorontalo's flood-affected residents still staying in shelter

A total of 9,415 residents of Gorontalo, whose homes got inundated by flooding that swamped the city recently, are ...

COVID-19: Govt readies to tackle security threats, escalation of crime

The Indonesian Government has taken anticipatory measures to deal with any threat to security or escalation of crime, ...

BNPB records 1,808 registrations for medical volunteering for COVID-19

The volunteer desk of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) had, until Saturday (March 28), registered 1,808 ...

Death toll climbs to 46 in early 2020 floods, landslides

Death toll in the greater Jakarta and Banten floods and landslides increased, from 43 to 46, while 173,064 sought ...

Central Java sends aid packages to Banten, Jakarta, West Java

The Central Java provincial government shows sympathy for the victims of flash floods and landslides in Banten, ...

Flash flood in Lebak majorly wrecks 1,060 houses

A total of 1,060 houses in six sub-districts in Lebak District, Banten Province, suffered severe damage after ...

Avoid engaging in blame game over New Year's catastrophe: speaker

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo urged central and regional governments and ...

New Year's Eve flooding, landslides kill 43, affect 409,000 residents

Flash floods and landslides ravaging certain areas in Jakarta and several districts and cities in West Java and Banten ...

Pertamina distributes 146 gas canisters to Jakarta's public kitchens

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero) distributed 146 Bright Gas and 12-kilogram gas canisters to ...

Jakarta's streets still swamped with floodwaters: police

Despite flash floods receding in sections of Jakarta and its greater areas, floodwaters still inundate several streets ...

House urges government to comprehensively deal with Jakarta's floods

House of Representatives' (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani called on the government to conduct a comprehensive emergency ...

Flood victims in Jakarta, Banten, West Java dispatched ministerial aid

The Social Affairs Ministry has sent humanitarian aid to flood victims in Jakarta, Banten, and West Java and readied a ...

Public facilities readied as shelters for Jakarta flood victims

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave instructions to mayors and heads of sub-districts to prepare evacuation ...