
Collection of punishment news, found 712 news.

Fake vaccine distributors must be severely punished: Consumers institute

The Indonesian Consumers Institute (YLKI) has asked the government to take a firm stance against distributors of fake ...

No illegal arms smuggled aboard presidential aircraft: Spokesman

Presidential spokesman Johan Budi reiterated here on Tuesday that no illegal arms had ever been smuggled aboard a ...

West Kalimantan police foil attempt to smuggle meth from Malaysia

The Sambas Police in West Kalimantan Province have foiled an attempt to smuggle 6.46 kilograms of crystal ...

Govt expects Rp165 trillion from tax amnesty program

The House of Representatives (DPR) enacted into law on Tuesday the governments tax amnesty bill which will provide tax ...

No gifts, no official cars for Lebaran

With regard to fighting corrupt culture that has gripped the life of the society, serious and consistent efforts need ...

President wants thorough investigations of alleged false vaccines

President Joko Widodo has passed order to Health Minister Nila F Moeloek and police chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti to get ...

Police doctors ready to execute castration against pedophilia convicts

Police chief spokesman Ins. Gen. Boy Rafli Amar said police doctors would be ready to carry out the order to castrate ...

House agrees to reduce punishment for defamation offenses

Factions of the House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to reduce the punishment from six years imprisonment to ...

Castration executor to be governed by government regulation: Minister

The executor of the chemical castration punishment for convicted child sex offenders will be governed by a government ...

VP Kalla respects IDI`s rejection of castration punishment

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla (JK) said he respects decision of the Indonesian Physician Association (IDI) that its ...

Politicians, activists laud new govt regulation on child protection

Politicians and child protection activists have lauded the issuance of Government Regulation No. 1 of 2016, which is ...

Chemical castration as punishment supports victims` human rights: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said introducing provision for chemical castration as an additional sentence for those ...

Rapists-cum-murderers deserve harsh punishment

More and more horrific and brutal rape-cum-murders have been reported across the country lately even as the public and ...

House speaker supports Perppu issuance to protect children

House Speaker Ade Komarudin has said he supports the governments recent decision to issue a Perppu (a government ...

Indonesian govt imposes castration for child sexual abusers

The Indonesian government has decided to impose castration, using a chemical substance, as a punishment for ...